I am a Level 2 practitioner of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®), a technique developed by the late, great Dolores Cannon. I began to study and practice QHHT® in 2020, and quickly found myself at home and “in my zone” conducting QHHT sessions. To be able to converse with such a beautiful, high-energy aspect of a person is an honour and a joy.
I do not pretend to have the answers for you, but I do my best to help you to find them for yourself. As I support you in accessing that part of you that knows all of the answers, I do what I call “mining for gold”, going as deep as I can with my questioning, to reveal as much as possible to help you to live your best life.
I bring my curiosity, compassion and heart-centered neutrality to every session, allowing for all appropriate transformations to occur with ease.
Through the awareness of our connection to our higher consciousness, we can find deep peace within ourselves. As the stuck emotions are revealed and released, issues are resolved and the lessons are learned.
When we heal and transform the inner world, there is no choice but for the outer world to reflect this inner shift. In this way, self care becomes a selfless and generous act, uplifting and raising the vibration of the entire collective consciousness of humanity.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
When I discovered Dolores Cannon’s books, which are primarily based on transcriptions from QHHT® sessions, I was impressed by the unbiased nature of the technique. This requires no belief in any sort of deity, although any belief is welcome. Since it is all question based, the integrity of what comes through the client’s higher consciousness is intact. The vastness and variety of the information that can be accessed reveals the complexity and vastness of the universe(s) we live in.
People come for a QHHT® session for many different reasons. Sometimes clients come for physical healing, to heal a relationship or to resolve and release trauma, and to move forward in the best way possible. Through accessing the higher consciousness, healing can occur right there within a session and questions answered with the indescribable love and wisdom of
the higher consciousness.
There is no limit to what can be revealed in a QHHT® session. As such, a client should come to a session with no expectations, only curiosity and a desire to grow and/or heal.
About a QHHT® Session:
When you arrive to a QHHT appointment, we will first spend a couple of hours chatting, where I will get to know all about you and your life. We will review your questions and understand exactly what you are wanting to get out of the session. Everything from start to finish is confidential and non judgemental. I only have your desire for healing and understanding of the bigger picture at heart, and I will make sure that I am clear on what would bring you the most clarity and peace.
Within a QHHT session, the client will often be shown a past life. The purpose of this can be to show the client the source of an issue in this life, to bring clarity to their present life. Seeing and understanding the bigger picture in this way can bring the client immense relief.
As human consciousness continues to expand, more than just past lives are available to us to see and experience, and we may also be shown parallel lives, other dimensional lives, or lives on other planets, for example.
There is always a purpose for what we are shown, so it is important to trust and allow for whatever is coming through. A QHHT® session is always guided by something much bigger, more loving and intelligent than our limited conscious mind can easily understand.
As the client relaxes deeper, we can connect to and communicate with the higher consciousness, revealing the source of all knowledge within, where we can find profound answers and healing with the help of the practitioner’s questioning. When we are in this deeply relaxed state, we can easily access the unconditionally loving part of ourselves that knows us the best and are most receptive to the healing that is given by this higher aspect of ourselves. Whatever is the most appropriate for the client to know will be revealed throughout a session.
The hypnosis portion of the session is recorded, allowing you to listen back to it afterwards, as many times as you need. Often we think we remember what happens in a session, but a lot of it fades like a dream, so it is important to check back with the recording. This can bring new insights and healing on repeated listening, and can remind you of ways to support the healing that has already occurred.
QHHT® sessions are only done in person. I practice from my home in Riondel, BC, just over an hour away from both Creston and Nelson BC.
4 to 6 hours $400

QHHT Testimonials

Group Hypnosis Sessions:
I lead group past life regression workshops, based on Dolores Cannon’s scripts. Past life regression sessions are a great way to explore other times and places when your soul has been incarnated.
I have developed and continue to develop scripts for groups based on the curiosity of myself and friends about various topics. Subjects range from how we have known each other in past lives, to exploring the natural elements of the earth and how they relate to our lives.
I do group sessions in person and online. Contact me if you would like to request one for your group, in person in the Kootenay BC area or online.

Online Quantum Hypnosis Sessions
While full QHHT sessions are to be done in person only, shorter journeys can be done online using Zoom.
In a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session, we will focus on one or two issues or questions. Through past life regression and connecting to your Higher Self, we can safely explore the answers, insights and solutions you are looking for. It is a convenient and effective alternative to a full QHHT session, and is based on my experience practicing Dolores Cannon’s QHHT.
2.5 to 3 hours $240
In a Soul Speak session, your consciousness will journey into the body to receive the messages your soul is sending you through illness, accident or any other physical symptoms.Your body will tell you what actions to take in order to move forward. It is a beautiful way to connect to, honour and communicate with the physical vessel. I have developed this technique based on Julia Cannon’s book and course of the same name.
1 to 1.5 hours $120
A Quantum Creativity Hypnosis session is designed for artists, entrepreneurs and other creative visionaries to make quantum leaps in your work. Your Higher Self will bring forth images to clarify and honour your uniqueness as a human being, helping you to create work that genuinely connects to and resonates with others. Developed in the Hypnotic Dream Lab.
3 hours $240
By attempting to combine remote viewing and quantum hypnosis, we have created Remote Hypnosis, journeying back through time and space here on Earth, to discover ancient civilizations and ways of being. In order to have an unbiased journey, we use coded targets which keep the destination unknown to either myself or the client, until after the session. Targets include megalithic structures, ancient cities, power places and other locations shrouded in mystery and speculation. Developed in the Hypnotic Dream Lab.
1.5 to 2 hours $160
A Future Progression helps you to choose wisely by exploring possible outcomes of the choices you see in front of you, in areas such as career, relationships, your living situation and more. Experiencing events in the future may also clear the karmic need for them to manifest, allowing you to step into the unknown with delight, curiosity and trust. Developed in the Hypnotic Dream Lab.
2 to 2.5 hours $200

Soul Speak
As a way of diving deeper into the practice of understanding the ways that we create our reality, I took Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak course, which is based on her book of the same name. Using the method she teaches as a starting point, I expanded on it and developed a technique to assist clients to go deep within to explore the body and receive messages from their higher self or soul, and whoever else may show up with a message.
When the higher self needs to convey a message to the conscious mind of an individual, it often uses the body as the messaging system. Sometimes it is because the person has veered off of their chosen life path, other times it is simply time to resolve and heal an old issue, whether from this life, a past life or an ancestral lineage. Symptoms will appear in the body in the form of an illness or accident as a sign that something needs to be addressed. The higher self communicates symbolically and will often use the different body parts and systems metaphorically to bring awareness to the conscious mind about an issue.
A Soul Speak session allows you to go inwards to get the specific messages, and often answers questions that you hadn’t thought to ask. Whether you have physical discomfort or just a feeling that there is information for you just out of reach of your conscious mind, a Soul Speak session is a life-changing tool for self-awareness and understanding.
About a Soul Speak session:
In a Soul Speak session, we will talk about what stands out in your body and what is going on in your life at the time of the session. Using some visualizations to relax, I will guide you and be guided by what you observe, to receive messages that will help you to move forward in your life in the best way possible.
Even though the messages may be very clear and vivid at the time of the session, your memories of what you experienced can fade. For this reason, the relaxation part of a Soul Speak session is recorded and a download link will be sent to the client afterward via email.
Sessions are 90 minutes and can be done online via Zoom or in person.
Soul Speak Testimonials

Hypnotic Dream Lab
Hypnotic Dream Lab is a hypnosis method that I and my fellow QHHT practitioner Andreea Tavitian have developed for entrepreneurs, artists and other creative visionaries. We and our clients have found it to be an excellent tool for bringing forth inspiration, ideas and a deeper awareness of what we are creating, in order to make quantum leaps in our work.
As soon as you have your first Hypnotic Dream Lab (HDL) session, you will experience a change in perspective that will bring more depth and insight to your work. After several sessions you will find a sustained creativity that allows you to honour yourself and your uniqueness, and at the same time connect your work to others in a way that genuinely resonates.
By exploring the higher consciousness in an HDL session, you will find yourself dreaming bigger, beyond the conventional wisdom of the day, while being able to apply these visions to your present creative needs in a coherent and grounded way.
We use past life regression techniques to assist you in experiencing a different point of view from your current one. Whether you see something from your own past or something completely different, each unique session will provide a fresh perspective that is perfect for your evolving creative needs.
About a Hypnotic Dream Lab Session:
An HDL session takes approximately three hours and is done either in person or online using Zoom, where you can relax in the comfort of your own home or office.
We will begin by talking about what you want to get out of a session in terms of your work and then you will be guided into a deeply relaxed state, where all the inspiration, answers and solutions can easily be found. You will be guided through the scenes which you are being shown, using question and answer dialogue to dig deeper into the experience.
Contact Elisa
To book a session with me or to discuss my services:
Read about Quantum Hypnosis adventures on my blog:
QHHT sessions are only done in person. I practice from my home in Riondel, BC, just over an hour away from both Creston and Nelson BC.
All other sessions can be done in person or online all year round.